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Industrial & Employee Relations

We provide expert consulting services to our client companies in the area of Strategic Industrial Relations to maintain harmonious industrial relations with employees and unions to achieve industrial output/production and services, to meet the customer requirements. We operate across industries ranging from automotive, engineering , chemicals, FMCG, pharma and service industry.

Our consultants come with hands-on experience and rich understanding of Industrial Relations. Our mission, is to be a trusted, reliable partner to our client organization by providing right advise within the legal framework while dealing with workplace related matters and problems, or advising on strategy or technical matters, dealing with emergencies, conflict and complaints in an honest, empathetic, legal and professional manner.

What We Offer

Training :

We offer training focusing on enhancing skills, new knowledge and/or imbibing positive attitude to significantly increasing the confidence, ability and enthusiasm of the participants to implement their new skills in the workplace.

  • Introduction to Industrial Relations for union leaders, opinion makers, supervisor/managers

  • Awareness programs for employees and senior management team about various provisions under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act.

  • Workshop on role and responsibilities of  Internal Committee (IC) Members under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act

  • Disciplinary actions as per provisions of Model Standing Orders and/ or Certified Standing Orders.

  • Dealing with grievances, complaint handling and redressal of grievances for shop floor supervisors and managers

  • Report Writing Skills

  • Role of supervisor to maximize motivation in groups

  • Training on quality and business excellence tools such as KAIZEN , TPM, JIT etc.

  • Effective workplace communication

  • Time management/Stress Management.

Employment Contracts:

Employer needs reliable employment contracts , which are carefully crafted to protect the interest of employer and employee  and suited to the needs of business, philosophy and  workplace culture of the organization. 

We assist with drafting of employment contracts and agreements by incorporating all employment conditions and contractual obligations, from shop floor level to executive level for Permanent, Fixed Term and Interim  period employment contracts.

Collective Bargaining Process:

Collective Bargaining Process for signing of Long-Term Settlement (LTS) with employees/union is one the most important activity from Industrial Relations perspective.

We can advise on the pros and cons of the process of collective bargaining in general; the challenges, the triumphs and the pitfalls.


We have required experience in dealing with collective bargaining process to reach to win-win situation for management and employees/Union by signing either bipartite or tripartite long-term settlement .

Dispute and Grievance Redressal :

On number of occasions, disputes / grievances / conflict of one sort or another arose in dynamic ecosystem of workplace. It is important to have suitable redressal mechanism / platform available to avoid escalation of the matter, which may adversely affect the working environment.

  • Advising and implementation of an effective disputes and grievance handling policy and procedure that suits workplace culture and in line with prevailing employment laws

  • Conducting training for supervisors, managers and employees explain disputes resolution methods and how to apply what they learn to deal effectively with grievances and disputes in the workplace.

  • Representing organization at conciliations or facilitating mediations on workplace disputes and grievances issues at various forums

  • Advising on the merits and possible resolution on grievances and disputes raised by employees and/or union.

Productivity Linked Incentive Program:

Productivity is a measure of economic efficiency which shows how effectively economic inputs are converted into output. Productivity is measured by comparing the amount of goods and services produced with the inputs which were used in production.


Labour Productivity is the ratio of the output of goods and services to the labour hours devoted to the production of that output.


We design productivity linked incentive program as part of LTS or stand-alone program through which organization can to share gains arising out of improved productivity to keep the workforce motivated and engaged.


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